Your Life Story: Special Episode

Tell your life story in a way your family can keep forever


How do you tell your life story in a way your family can keep forever?

When we get to a certain age, many of us become a little more interested in our family history.

All those stories our parents and grandparents tried to tell us when we were young. Stories that we – or I, at least – paid little attention to.

They start becoming more important to us and a sense of where we came from – our real family history – grows in significance.

If we’re lucky, there’s still few members of the older generations left and we start to pick their brain – to ask all the questions we have about our past, their past and the members of our family who came before us.

And in the rarest of families, some diligent soul from a generation passed wrote the story of their life down – in a book or journal for future humans to peruse.

But most of us are not that lucky.

For most families, the stories that describes their past, fade and eventually evaporate as the years tick by.

So I’ve decided to do something about it.

Your Story Pod was born a few years ago. A listener to this podcast wrote to me and said they love the way I interview guests and wondered if I’d interview his dad – to get his life story – while he’s still around.

So I did. And the result was amazing.

It was an incredible experience – for me, the dad I interviewed and his whole family, who got to listen to a version of his life – his story – in a way they’d never heard before.

Being an outsider, someone who has not grown up listening to snippets of stories and experiences, gave me a fresh perspective – a way of asking questions that drew out new information.

“I’ve never heard dad talk about half the stuff he told you,” came the feedback from that first family.

It was amazing.

That family was so grateful – they’d secured a piece of their past, in an audio file that they and their children and their children’s children – can keep for ever.

Word spread – and a few more requests came in.

Before long, it was obvious that there was an appetite for this type of thing across the community.

And that’s when Your Story Pod was born.

We’ve grown a bit since then. We have a website dedicated to it – you can find it at

Check it out.

Maybe there’s someone in your life, who you think should record their life story.

And what a great christmas present for that person who’s notoriously impossible to buy for.

I can’t remember being so excited about a project at any stage through my career as I am about Your Story Pod.

By sitting down with people, probing them about their life and recording it, packaging the audio nicely, I’m playing a role in securing family memories forever.

It’s such a powerful and rewarding concept.

You might be wondering how it will sound – good question.

Click the player below to hear sample audio – a collection of thoughts and memories from the first handful of interviews I did.

This audio is shared her with the permission of the people I interviewed.

Remember – these are real people, real stories and real lives that have been immortalised for their family to share forever.

Enjoy – and remember, if there’s someone you care about who should share their story – for your family to keep for ever – get in touch and we’ll make it happen.

In the meantime – enjoy this little collection…

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