078 – How to really change your business culture with Georgia Murch
Injecting enthusiasm into your office is easier than you think

We’ve all been to one of those feel good business culture days. They can actually be quite enjoyable. You get to know your colleagues in a new way. You have the opportunity to learn some new stuff and put a few concerns on the table. They can feel great. But the next day, you’re hit by an overflowing inbox and a day of back to back meetings. Before you know it, that great cultural day is but a blurred memory. My guest is here to make sure you, your team and your organisation don’t become another statistic.
Georgia Murch loves to run those feel good cultural days. She’s the author of the book Feedback Flow and is determined to change business cultures. For organisations to survive and thrive in a changing world, they must develop the ability to change with purpose. And Georgia has a five step plan to help you do just that.
Lessons Learned
Georgia’s step plan is terrific.
- Training and support. Tap into those co-workers with enthusiasm for your vision and empower them to have an impact across the organisation.
- The 90 day project. Breaking that big chunky cultural vision into bit sized pieces.
- Of course, we have to measure and tweak. Georgia thinks everything can be measured. And with that information we must be prepared to change course if we’re not hitting the mark.
- Accountability with rigour. Everyone across the organisation has to be willing to have the tough conversations.
- It starts with you. We all need to be leaders on this and we all have to take responsibility.