086 – Leadership hacks that will revolutionize your office

In this episode of the team guru podcast we are going to get down to the nitty-gritty of being a great leader. Scott Stein is the author of a brand new book called Leadership Hacks. It’s a clever shortcut to boost your impact and results. These leadership hacks will make you a more impressive and effective leader.

Scott talks abut three really obvious but clever levels of leadership. Leading yourself, leading people one-on-one and leading teams. I asked him to talk us through his top hacks and his best clever tips in each of those domains of leadership. There are some real gems in there.

I hope you enjoy my conversation with Scott Stein.

Lessons learned

Email hacks

Scott checks his emails only three times a day. He gives himself only 21 minutes to do it and gets his inbox down to zero. It’s his 3-21-0 theory of email management. Instead of feeling trapped by your overflowing inbox take control back!

Delegation is everything

Scott has a simple way of delegating a task. Sit down with your colleague and create a simple mind map. Name the task and circle it in the middle of the page. Then all the steps that need to be completed to nail that task become branches or sub-branches if necessary. You put them in order. And you give them a time frame. But most importantly, you get the person taking ownership of the task to do the drawing. So they own the conversation and the process.

Making better meetings

If you add up all the time you’ve wasted in a meeting it would terrify you.  The first way to fix that problem is ensuring there is a clear reason for any meeting.  There’s usually only four kinds of meetings.  The first is the most common.  A reporting meeting where everyone gets together to talk about their progress.  These can be useful but there needs to a clear, simple process so time isn’t wasted.  Next, is a problem solving meeting.  Then a decision making meeting.  Finally, a strategy development meeting.  Most people tend to combine all these kinds of meetings.  Instead separate them into individual meetings to make sure the right people are in the right meeting.  Don’t make someone come to a meeting that doesn’t have to be there!



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