136 – Learn how to truly serve your customers | Ft. Jaquie Scammell

Have you ever had a bad customer service experience? If so, you know how it can damage your overall perception of a business, regardless of the quality of the product. That´s why Jaquie Scammell has spent years studying the science of connecting with customers. Her new book ¨Service Habits¨ works to crack the code of excellent customer service as well as demonstrating its value to organizations of all types.
Lessons Learned
1:47 New Questions, Familiar Answers
The central theme behind the second entry in the author´s ¨Service¨ series of books is adapting traditionally successful customer service mindsets to the modern age. Expanding on the ideas explored in the first book, ¨Service Habits¨ adapts her perspective to the new challenges of the COVID era. Pointing to the vastly increased use of online utilities, Scammell expects a true renaissance in the way organizations approach customer service. Old methods must be broken down, thoroughly examined, and built again stronger.
4:12 Habitual Humanity
For Scammell, outstanding customer service comes down to understanding human nature. Every employee interaction is first and foremost an interaction between human beings. This means an authentic understanding of individual needs goes a long way in ensuring a positive experience for your clientele. ¨Soft skills¨ naturally transition into the industry of service, ensuring customers and clients come away having built a connection with you.
7:32 Timeline of Transition
Another core tenet of ¨Service Habits¨ is the radical nature of effective change in a post-COVID world, and the discussion highlights guidelines Scammell finds instructive. In the model, lasting change typically occurs in 3 stages, spanning about 2 months. The first 20 days or so are devoted to the systematic destruction of the old habit. The next period is one of confusion, where the old habit and new initiative may come into conflict. Ideally, the last 20 days are when the new system becomes established and begins to feel more natural.
23:02 Identifying Bad Habits
By now, the iconic self-improvement phrase has filtered into the popular consciousness: ¨the first step is admitting that there is a problem.¨ Accordingly, Scammell goes into detail about the most common issues organizations across industries face. Trying to control outcomes, blaming others and gossiping are just a few hallmarks of organizational culture in disrepair. Only by identifying and rooting out these issues and the most frequent causes of them can an organization truly reach its potential.
34:48 A Self-Sustaining Cycle
Similarly, there are traits that thriving organizations tend to have in common. Regardless of what a company offers, a successful customer service strategy involves an exchange of energies. In Scammell´s view, professional relationships are primarily transactional. The greater satisfaction shared by all participants in each interaction, the higher the chances the interaction will be repeated. This idea affects everything from your rate of repeat customers to your ability to retain talent, making good habits indispensable to a strong culture.
Connect with Jacquie Scammell:
Website: https://jaquiescammell.com/
Email: hello@jaquiescammell.com
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/jaquiescammell
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JS.Management.Consulting/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jaquie_scammell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaquiescammell/