Episode 176 | How to make good decisions in a data rich world | Selena Fisk

I’m not a numbers person. So, it’s a good thing that Dr. Selena Fisk joined me recently to set me on the right track. Selena has written a terrific book called I’m not a numbers person: How to make good decisions in a data-rich world. Her book is packed with amazing insight, tips and ideas that will help all of us jump onto this freight train of information that is storming through our world.
As a data coach and storyteller, Selena is enthusiastic about building data storytelling skills in others as sheis about building my own understanding of the evolving ways data can support individuals, organisations and communities to flourish and thrive. For me, using data in a way that benefits others is the only way to use it.
Lessons Learned
Top three data tips
- The use of data is everyone’s job. We can all be a numbers people. Long gone are the days where the information sat with a tiny number of staff or at a certain senior level of an organization.
- To use data effectively you’ve got to be clear on what you’re looking for. What matters to you.
- Remember the human elements. What’s in it for people? Think of yourself as a human story teller. Where data is used to support the narrative.
Why you need to be data literate
Whether you’re organising your home budget and feeding your kids, or running a multinational, multi-million-dollar organisation, it is no longer sufficient to say ‘but I’m not a numbers person’ and believe that it is someone else’s job to keep track of the numbers. We all need to be data literate and able to ask the right questions at the right time.
Be open to change
Be open to changing the way that you think. Going out and seeking out independent or independent information or information from other sources is a really good way of kind of counteracting that chamber that we’re in on social media.